General Delivery |
Ontario Tourism Region : The Great Waterway

Driving Directions:
- Drive 15 minutes south of Napanee on Hwy 8 and watch for the 2 huge 198 m. chimneys.
Description From Owner:
- OPG’s Lennox Generating Station (GS) located on the eastern shore of Lake Ontario near Bath has been a part of the community for 30 years.
- To add to the quality of life in the community, the Lennox GS has supported more than 50 not-for-profit initiatives and 20 youth amateur sports initiatives in Lennox and Addinton County.
- Lennox GS is also a strong supporter of the Lennox and Addington County General Hospital Foundation. Since 2002, Lennox GS has contributed to the hospital’s expansion campaign which has been a key community priority.
- Enjoy a daytrip along the Adolphustown Reach and admire the parklands that contribute to the Amherst Island area of Lake Ontario.
- Your community contact is Mike Kavanagh (613) 352-3525 ext. 5303
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