406 Hwys 2 & 49 |
Ontario Tourism Region : The Great Waterway

Tour Group Person Limit: 200
Driving Directions:
- Take exit 566 south from the 401 on Hwy 49, 3 km.
Business Hours:
- Summer Hours Flint and Feather 9am - 4 pm. Winter Hours 10am - 5 pm. Summer Hours Miracle Mart and Mohawk Gas 6am - 10 pm. weekdays, 7am - 10 weekends Winter 6am - 10 pm. weekdays 7am - 10 pm. weekends.
Description From Owner:
- Mohawk Imperial Sales was established by Sir Andrew Clifford Miracle in 1974 when he operated a small ESSO gas bar in a 12' X 16' building. It took many years, many challenges and many setbacks before it achieved its current size, shape and style.
- Today we offer 15,000 sq. feet of retail space with thousands of items. We are proud to say that we are well-known for our friendly staff and superior service. Always putting the customers first. We look forward to serving you!
- Visitors from all over the world experience the unique handmade crafts and fine jewellery.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/miracle