RR#1 |
Ontario Tourism Region : The Great Waterway

Tour Group Person Limit: 50
Driving Directions:
- Located at the entrance to Sandbanks Provincial Park in Prince Edward County. 2 hours east of Toronto. 1 hour west of Kingston.
Business Hours:
- June to Thanksgiving 9 am - 9 pm. 7 days a week.
Description From Owner:
- Established in 1924, Fosterholm Farms have been producing high quality dairy, vegetable and maple syrup products.
- If you are visiting or camping in Prince Edward County, visit us for seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, firewood, ice and a host of other on-farm produced agricultural products.
- Enjoy ''''Maple in the County'''' late March every year ... visitors are welcome to view our maple syrup facilities and production
- Maple syrup products available year round extracted from our 7000 tap maple woodlot closeby.
- Look for us at the Kingston and Belleville Farmers Markets
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/fosterholm