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Ontario Tourism Region : Northwest Ontario
- Pop. 292. In Danford T., Thunder Bay Dist., on the Kawashkagama R. 2 km. NW of Kawashkagama L. and Hwy 643, 78 km. N of Geraldton. The Aroland Logging Company built a sawmill here in the 1930s.
- A post office was in operation from 1936 to 1944, in 1953, and from 1972 to 1974.
- From Aroland a first-class gravel road maintained by Kimberly Clark Canada Inc. runs 80 km. NW to the Ogoki R. Between 1977 and 1980, the federal government built a steel and concrete bridge across the Ogoki R. at a cost of $1 million.
- On the far side of the bridge there is only enough cleared ground in which to turn a vehicle around; hence its nickname: 'The $1 Million Bridge To Nowhere.' The 64 km. highway to the bridge is estimated to have cost the government another $3 million.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/aroland