41 Temperance St. |
Ontario Tourism Region : York, Durham and Hills of Headwaters
- Pop. 27,594. Part of the Town of Newcastle, Reg. Mun. of Durham, on the N shore of L. Ontario at the mouth of Bowmanville Cr. and Hwy 401 and C. Rds. 2 & 14,67 km. E of Toronto.
- The community has a fine (though undeveloped) harbour. The site was settled in 1792 as Barber's Creek, named for early settler Augustus Barber.
- The site was settled in 1792 as Barber's Creek, named for early settler Augustus Barber. It was successively known as Port Darlington, Darlington Port, Darlington Mills, Darlington Village and, when the post office opened in 1826, as Darlington.
- The name was later changed to Bowmanville after Charles Bowman, who owned all the town lots. He was never a resident and died in Italy in 1848. Bowmanville native Lt.-Col. Charles McCullough is considered the founder of the Canadian Club movement.
- (Canadian Clubs are dedicated to fostering throughout Canada an interest in public affairs. The first club was inaugurated in 1893.)
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/bowmanville