50 Barrie |
Ontario Tourism Region : Bruce Peninsula, Southern Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe
Description From Owner:
- Pop. 14,869. In West Gwillimbury T., Simcoe C., on the Holland R. and C. Rds. 1, 4 & 88, 35 km. S of Barrie.
- The first settler, Letitia McGee, had a log cabin on the townsite in 1815.
- In that year a group of Scottish settlers, disheartened by crop failures and the antagonism of North West Company agents, left Lord Selkirk's Red River settlement for Upper Canada and many settled in this area.
- When William Milloy built a tavern in 1829, the place became known as Milloy's Tavern and later as Edmanson's Corners. Early storekeeper Joel Flescher Robinson named the settlement for his hometown in Yorkshire, England.
- The town is a centre for the major market-gardening industry in adjacent Holland Marsh.
Elevate Your Canadian Winter #truenorth from Corbin Visual on Vimeo.
Map Below gives Canadian Geographical Names
Natural Resources Canada in Simcoe County.
Natural Resources Canada in Simcoe County.
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