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Ontario Tourism Region : Northeastern Ontario
Description From Owner:
- On Collins Inlet off Georgian Bay of Lake Huron S of Killarney Provincial Park, 9 km. E of Killamey.
- The name is known by some mariners but has not been approved by the Ontario Geographic Names Board, despite having been included for years in the annual list of names to be approved by the Minister of Natural Resources of Ontario.
- It is included here because it has provoked interest and glee whenever I have mentioned it in media interviews promoting earlier editions of Ontario Place Names.
- . In the 'dog genre,' Ontario also has the following place names for rivers, lakes, creeks and places, though none appears on the Official Road Map of Ontario:
- Dogpatch, Dogfish, Dogfly, Dogfoot, Doggie, Doghead, Doghole, Doghome, Dogleg, Dogpaw, Dogsnest, Dogskin, Dogtooth, and Dogtown.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/dogsass