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Ontario Tourism Region : Huron, Perth, Waterloo and Wellington
- Pop. 255. In Hibbert T., Perth C., on Carronbrook, Hwy 8 and C. Rd. 10,29 km NW of Stratford.
- . The first settler was U. C. Lee, who opened a store for area farmers. Joseph Kidd settled a few years later in the community then known as Carron brook after a tributary to the Bayfield River that flowed through the settlement.
- When salt was discovered at Seaforth, about 11 km NW of Carronbrook, Kidd piped brine to Carronbrook, where he set up a saltworks, employed up to 50 people and produced 200 barrels of salt a day.
- He also built a sawmill and a business block on the main street. The post office was established as Carronbrook in 1854, but in 1878 the name was changed to Dublin, Kidd's birthplace in Ireland.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/dublin