8965 Chinguacousy Rd. |
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Ontario Tourism Region : Greater Toronto Area
Description From Owner:
- Pop. 500. Part of the City of Brampton, Reg. Mun. of Peel, on the Credit R. and C. Rds. 1 & 6, 6 km. SW of Brampton.
- When the settlement was established in 1820, it was called Wolf Pack and sometimes, Wolf Den. A decade later it was nicknamed Bully Hollow for an Alex Burnett who lived here.
- In 1848 a Mr. Brown arrived and built a mill and the place became known as Brown's Mills. In 1855 James P. Hutton bought the mills and the name changed to Hutton's Mills.
- When Hutton named his home Fountain Valley locals called the place by that name. In 1873 the post office opened as Huttonville, honouring James P.Hutton.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/huttonville