10190 Keele Street |
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Ontario Tourism Region : York, Durham and Hills of Headwaters
- Pop. 2,500. Part of the Town of Vaughan, Reg. Mun. of York on C. Rds. 6 & 25, 29 km. N of Toronto.
- The place was settled in the early 1800s and first called Noble's Corners or Nobleville after the first postmaster, Joseph Noble. In 1855 the name was changed to Maple, likely after the indigenous tree.
- One of the earliest Lutheran congregations in Upper Canada was formed in Vaughan T. in 1806 by German-speaking settlers from Pennsylvania.
- The present church, which dates from 1860, was the site of the founding of the Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in 1861.
- William Maxwell Aitken was born in Maple in 1879, the third son of Rev. William Aitken and Jean Noble. He became an industrialist, newspaper publisher, and philanthropist.
- He was knighted in 1911, created a baronet in 1916.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/maple