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Ontario Tourism Region : Northeastern Ontario
Description From Owner:
- Pop. 4,856. In Dymond T., Timiskaming Dist. at the N end of L. Timiskaming at the mouth of the Wabi R., on Hwy 11, 8 km. N of Haileybury and 160 km. N of North Bay.
- The first settler was William Murray who built a house in the early 1890s.
- A short time later the Ontario government opened up four townships at the head ofL. Timiskaming and Crown Land Agent John Armstrong persuaded Murray to subdivide some of his land for a townsite.
- There was limited development until 1896 when Thomas McCamus and Angus McKelvie built a sawmill at the mouth of the river.
- In that year a post office was established as Thornloe, after Anglican bishop George Thorneloe. Armstrong later managed to have the name changed to Liskeard, after his hometown in Cornwall, England.
- When there was confusion with the southern Ontario town of Leskard, the name was changed to New Liskeard.
- In 1903 railway worker Fred LaRose discovered one of the world's largest deposits of silver at nearby Cobalt, setting offone of the greatest mining stampedes of all time, and New Liskeard's population soared.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/newliskeard