100 Shebeshekong Rd, |
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Ontario Tourism Region : Muskoka, Parry Sound and Algonquin Park
Description From Owner:
- Pop.462. In McDougall T., Parry Sound Dist., on Hwy 69, 11 km NW of Parry Sound. The post office was established as Ambo in 1910.
- The community is a company town centred around Canadian Industries Ltd. (CIL), which operates an explosives plant.
- In 1913 CIL changed the name of the community to Nobel to honour Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-1896), the Swedish chemist and inventor who patented gunpowder in 1863, dynamite in 1866 and who was the founder of the Nobel Prize for Peace.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/nobel