150 Christina St. N. |
Ontario Tourism Region : Southwestern
- Pop. 2,237. In Samia T., Lambton C., on L. Huron at the head of the St. Clair R., Canadian terminus of the International Blue Water Bridge to Port Huron, MI and Hwys 40 & 402, 100 km. W of London.
- Rene-Robert Cavelier de La Salle built Fort Saint-Joseph here in 1679. The place was settled in 1838 by J. P. Slocum from New York State, who arrived seeking fishing privileges.
- Point Edward was chosen for the western terminus of the Grand Trunk Railway from Riviere du Loup, QC, because the swift current in the narrowest part of the river at that point kept the waters ice-free for the operation of train ferries to Port Huron.
- The place was first called Huron, but was renamed Point Edward in 1860 to recall a visit that year by Albert Edward, the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII.
- Postcards above used with permission from A Great Lakes Treasury of Old Postcards 2007 Lorenzo Marcolin, MD 176 pp. For Copies call the Huronia Museum 705 526 2844 or email lmarcolin@aol.com
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/pointedward