4699 Hwy 37, Box 4 |
Ontario Tourism Region : Ontario's Highlands
- From the 401, take Hwy 37 north at Belleville 20 km to Thomasburg. .
Amaranth, Black Eyed Susan vine, Littletunia, Tall Verbena, Cleome, Euphorbia, Balloon flower, Sun impatiens, Delphinium hybrid, huge Marigolds, Sweet pea, Geum, a new type of garden peony, Bigleaf Hydrangea, Wand flower, Corydalis, new colors of Zinnia and a restock of several Coneflowers, Phlox and Begonias.
Hosta, Astilbe, Solomon's Seal, Rose of Sharon, Burning Bush, Lavender, Bugleweed, Heuchera, Brunnera, Phlox, perennial grass, winter creeper, Spirea, Dianthus, Fleece flower, Sedum, Painted fern, Butterfly bush, Ligularia and Beard tongue.
Ptilotus Joey, Datura, larger Dahlias and perennial Hibiscus
Kimberly ferns, Mandevilla and Dipladenia on a trellis, Canna lily and Hibiscus (in bush, standard and braided stem form!) Also got Sweet pea, sunflower and small Dahlia)
Black eyed Susan, Hollyhock, Foxglove, Dalmation iris, Iceland poppy, Bee balm, Chocolate mint, Dichondra, Bleeding heart
Potato vine, Lantana, Petunias, Million bells, Creeping Jenny, Persian Shield, Coleus, Asparagus fern, Heliotrope, Scaevola, Sanvitalia, Bacopa, Dragon wing begonia hangers, Boston fern hangers and Million bells hangers.
tropicals (Croton, Kimberly Fern, Hibiscus, Coleus, Mandevilla) and hanging baskets (mixed as well as pure million bells)
Gold raspberry, Goats beard, Smokebush, Butterfly bush, Bee balm, Snakeroot, Weigela
Plenty of annuals (Million bells, African Daisy, Coleus, Impatiens, Potato vine, Begonias, Petunias waves, Supertunias, Bidens, Cosmos, Fuchsia, Salvia, Ageratum, Zinnia, Sweet pea, Purple fountain grass, Papyrus, Snapdragons, Sunflower, Verbena, Canna lily, Marigolds and assorted planters and hangers! Also have some Lemon grass and Citronella in stock!
Dianthus, Sage, Lavender, Succulents, Thistle, Delphinium, Lupine, Phlox, Echinacea, Aster, Hosta, Carpathian Bellflower, Bee balm, Perennial fern, Blanket flower, Hellebore, Liatris, Coreopsis, English Daisy, Bergenia, Thyme, Scotch and Irish moss, Bugleweed, Dead nettle, Larkspur, Hollyhock, Lily of the valley
Mums, hardy Asters, Nippon daisies, Flowering cabbage and Purple fountain grass!
Munstead English Lavender, several varieties of Coneflower and black eyed Susan, some purple garden phlox and purple fountain grass, Eucalyptus and some zinnia planters.
Peonies, Wisteria, Fuschias and assorted hanging baskets
Petunia, Marigold, Salvia, Zinnia, Cosmos, Celosia, Portulaca, Impatiens (New Guinea and Double), Coleus and some round potted Dahlia
New varieties of apple (Tolman Sweet, Golden Russet, Snow and Dolgo) and have a selection of Apricot, Fig, Kiwi, Plum, Peach, Apple, Cherry and many different berry bushes
Kennebec potato is a high producing, late season white variety, while Superior (white) and Norland (red) are early season potato crops.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/rootcellar