386 Highway 49 |
Ontario Tourism Region : The Great Waterway
- 7 days a week 9am - 5pm
- Native Owned & Operated for more than 40 years!
- Visit our second floor Art Gallery for amazing works of art by Native artists from across North America. We carry a large selection of Originals, Limited Editions, and prints.
- We proudly carry Canadian Made moccasins for the whole family. From infant to men’s size 16, with soles or without.
- Thomas B. Maracle is an award winning native stone sculptor and musician as well as a successful entrepreneur.
- Thomas is a Native North American Mohawk, born in Belleville, Ontario in 1949. He is a citizen of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy and lives on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Deseronto Ontario Canada.
- Since childhood, Thomas has been involved in native art. He was deeply influenced by the skills of his artisan parents who created arts and crafts for their gift store. They continue to be an influence in his personal and professional life.
- Thomas has gained international acclaim as a sculptor for his ability to take a piece of virgin stone such as alabaster, steatite, marble or soap-stone and with vision, talent, and skill, set free images of the legendary people, animals and spirits.
- Thomas has grown to love the physical, mental and artistic challenges required to bring to life, in his sculptures, the ancient legends of his people using the many different types, shapes and sizes of stone.
- Thomas has won many awards across Canada and the United States. His one-of-a-kind carvings are in great demand and are prized additions to collections throughout Canada and many other parts of the world, including England, France, Germany and the US
- Reproductions of many of his sculptures are available at art galleries and gift shops throughout North America including Thomas’ own permanent gallery – Native Renaissance II.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/nativerenaissance