331 Main St. P.O. Box 310 |
Ontario Tourism Region : The Great Waterway
- Pop. 1,651. In Tyendinaga T., Hastings C., on the Bay ofQuinte and C. Rds. 2 & 10,28 km. E of Belleville.
- The townsite was originally part of the Tyendinaga Indian Reserve, 2,000 acres (810 ha) of land granted to a band of Mohawks who helped the British during the American Revolution.
- Their chief, Capt. John Deserontyou, brought the First Nations Peoples to the site in 1784.
- In 1835, John Culbertson, a grandson of Deserontyou, applied to the Mohawk chiefs for a parcel of land, on which he built a landing that became known as Culbertson's Wharf.
- The first post office in 1851 was called Mill Point, and the fIrst postmaster was James Bowen. In 1857 the name was changed to Bowen, but in 1859 it was changed back to Mill Point.
- In 1881 the community was named Deseronto to honour Chief Deserontyou. Christ Church, 3 kIn W ofDeseronto on the Tyendinaga Reserve, was built by its Mohawk congregation to replace an earlier log chapel.
- It houses part of the communion set given to the Chapel Royal at Fort Hunter, NY, by Queen Anne in 1712. The bell presented to the church in 1798 by George III has since been recast.
Natural Resources Canada in Hastings County.
Address of this page: http://www.ruralroutes.com/deseronto